Capable support for your disability appeal

A denied application for Social Security Disability benefits can be devastating. You may have counted on receiving those benefits to keep you going financially because medical problems left you unable to work. A denied application is not the end, and you should not give up.

At Hunter & Everage, we have seen how common it is to have your Social Security Disability (SSD) application denied. Most people have their application denied by the Social Security Administration (SSA) when they first apply. Our offices in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Richmond, Virginia, can help you appeal a denied SSD application.

Why was my application denied?

The SSA has thousands of rules for SSD applications, and every denial of benefits case is different. The reasons for denial can range from improperly filled-out paperwork to an application filed past the deadline. Our SSD attorneys will review the circumstances of your denied application and determine if an appeal is possible.

You could be denied for many reasons:

  • You didn’t get the medical treatment and records you need.
  • You didn’t stick to your doctor’s orders.
  • Your doctor didn’t know you fit the legal definition of a disability.
  • A Social Security employee didn’t collect the right medical records.
  • The SSA decided your health condition is not severe enough.
  • You stated something incorrectly in your application.
  • The SSA decided you could still work in a different kind of job.
  • You still earn too much income from working.

What are the levels of Social Security disability appeal?

If you live in Charlotte, or anywhere in North Carolina or Virginia, there are four steps to the Social Security Disability Appeals process. With an attorney from Hunter & Everage, you will have someone supporting you through every step of the process.

The four levels are:

  1. Reconsideration: First, the attorneys at Hunter & Everage will help you request a reconsideration of your claim. This step is a review done by someone who was not part of your first decision. The SSA will look at all the evidence you submitted. You will also have a chance to provide additional information.
  2. Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Hearing: If your application is again denied after reconsideration, your next step is to meet face-to-face with a Social Security ALJ. This hearing may be your only chance to talk in-person with someone who has decision-making authority over your claim. These hearings usually happen at an SSA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. Our lawyers will make sure you, your evidence and your arguments are ready.
  3. Appeals Council Review: After a denial from an ALJ, you can ask the SSA’s Appeals Council to review your case. Our attorneys will continue representing your best interests through this stage. The Appeals Council could approve your claim, deny it or return your case to the ALJ for a new hearing.
  4. Federal Court Review: If the Appeals Council still denies your application, you can file a lawsuit in federal district court. In this step, you are filing suit the commissioner of Social Security. For this level, you must have an attorney admitted to practice before U.S. District Court to represent you. Our attorneys have experience taking cases like yours to federal court.

Proven help for SSD appeals

The appeals process is a lot to take on without the help of an attorney. Whether you face a hearing, judge or a court, the attorneys at Hunter & Everage will thoroughly prepare your case and make sure you are confident. We respect that you are a person, not a case file, and we will take the time to understand your situation.

Our lawyers will take care of:

  • analyzing your Social Security file,
  • preparing your strategy and arguments,
  • collecting evidence from your doctors and other healthcare providers,
  • submitting documentation to the hearing office,
  • helping you prepare for your testimony, and
  • questioning medical and work history experts that the government brings to your hearing.

Talk to a proven Charlotte or Richmond lawyer now

Remember, your chance of winning benefits can improve when you have a skilled attorney by your side. There is minimal risk to hiring a lawyer because you will not pay any attorney’s fees until you win benefits.

To schedule your free consultation, call our Charlotte office at 803-866-5482 or our Richmond office at 804-531-6706. You can also send us an email with your case details.

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