Montgomery Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

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Hunter & Everage is a Montgomery workers’ compensation law firm providing trusted legal help when you’re hurting. As work injury lawyers, we help hard-working people receive the benefits they deserve. Call 704-377-9157 or message us to talk to a lawyer.

Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Montgomery, AL

At Hunter & Everage, we do more than paperwork. When you need a workers’ compensation attorney, you need someone who will take charge and handle all aspects of your case so you can focus on recovery.

You Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you’ve been hurt on the job, you need a workers’ compensation lawyer to help protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve. Always seek medical attention first and then contact Hunter & Everage to talk to an attorney about your case. Both of these steps are important to help protect your health and your possible workers’ compensation insurance claim.

The insurance companies profit by minimizing the amounts they pay out in compensation. You don’t have to face your employer and the insurance company alone. Contact Hunter & Everage today.

Lawyer for Work-Related Injuries

Who we are

Hunter & Everage is a workers’ compensation attorney in the Montgomery, AL, area.

What we do

Handling workers’ compensation claims, we understand what benefits you should receive and can represent you at hearings or trials and negotiate on your behalf.

How we do it

With 35 years of combined legal experience, we understand the workers’ compensation system. We know how insurance companies work to minimize benefits when people deserve them and utilize our knowledge to help you secure the benefits you deserve.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation

In Alabama, a company with five or more employees must have workers’ compensation coverage. People hurt on the job can seek benefits through this coverage. While you don’t have to prove the employer caused the accident, you must show you were hurt in the course of employment and that your case doesn’t fall under one of the limited exceptions.

Qualifying workers may receive weekly replacement compensation, based on average earnings before the injury. You may also receive direct medical care and rehabilitation at no cost and compensation for permanent partial disability or total disability payments for injury remaining after reaching maximum medical improvement.

To receive these benefits, you must file a workers’ compensation claim. Understanding what you deserve and the right steps to claim your benefits can be complicated. Having a worker’s compensation attorney like Hunter & Everage to handle your claim gives you a strong advantage when facing insurance companies and an unfamiliar process.

If there is a person or party other than your employer with legal liability, you may also file a traditional lawsuit for compensation. If this is appropriate for your situation, our lawyers can assist you in both situations.

How a Lawyer Can Represent You

Workers’ compensation may sound straightforward, but with insurance companies looking to pay as little as possible, claims can quickly become complicated.

Hunter & Everage can represent you in a variety of ways, including the following:

  • Guiding you through what to do after the accident, including how to report
  • Determining benefits you deserve
  • Responding to allegations that you are disqualified from benefits
  • Preserving evidence, talking to witnesses
  • Explaining how the process works and what you need to do
  • Requesting a hearing or appeal, representing you in hearings
  • Addressing issues in getting your medical care
  • Evaluating your disability rating
  • Negotiating your case
  • Answering questions, providing guidance

While any workplace injury claim can be complex, we identify the important issues and use our legal representation to pursue your benefits.

How to find the right workers’ comp lawyer

Hunter & Everage has helped many injured workers through the years, focusing our practice on the struggling, hard-working people who need and deserve their benefits.

With a practice that is local to the Montgomery, AL area, but with a nationwide presence, we understand the types of claims that are most common to the area. We understand injuries and case issues, and that are frequent, and we know the local system. Many of our clients are injured in manufacturing, production, or the healthcare sectors.

In manufacturing, stuck-between incidents (such as a hand stuck in machinery), crushing injuries, and overuse or overexertion injuries are common. Injuries such as a slip and fall, strains and sprains, and contact with sharp objects are often seen in healthcare.

We invite you to contact us to learn why people depend on Hunter & Everage when they need a workers’ compensation lawyer.

Consultation With a Montgomery Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you’ve been hurt on the job, always receive medical attention first. Then talk to a Montgomery workers’ compensation lawyer at Hunter & Everage. We can help you if you are just beginning the process or if you’ve experienced difficulty in your case. Contact us for your consultation and get legal help today.

Client Reviews

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Trusted Legal Help For When You’re Hurting

Below is what we have successfully recovered on behalf of our past clients. Results are specific to facts and legal circumstances of each case. Past client results are not indicative of future client results.
Our attorneys have more than 35 years of combined experience in personal injury, social security disability and workers’ compensation law.


Schedule Your Free Case Review

We know how hard it is to ask for help, especially when you truly need it. We’re respectful of that and demonstrate it through our honesty, integrity, and dedication to your case. Complete this form below to get in touch with us, and we’ll respond promptly. Give us the opportunity to learn what happened and to earn your trust.

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