Montgomery Hit and Run Accident Lawyer

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Are you the victim of a driver who fled the scene? Work with a Montgomery hit and run car accident lawyer from Hunter & Everage to receive the financial compensation you deserve. Call 704-377-9157 or message us now to learn more and start your case.

Montgomery, AL Hit and Run Accident Lawyer

At Hunter & Everage, we represent people who are victims of hit and run, helping victims get justice—and monetary payment. To receive compensation, you must first bring a case. Our team takes charge of everything needed for your case, handling claims in Montgomery, AL, and the surrounding communities.

Contact us now for your consultation and see how a hit and run accident lawyer can help you.

Representing Drivers, Passengers, and Pedestrians

Our Montgomery hit and run accident lawyers represent drivers, passengers, and pedestrians involved in hit-and-run accidents. Whatever the situation, you may deserve compensation, and you can have an attorney represent you.

What Are Hit-and-Run Accidents?

A hit-and-run accident occurs when a driver does not stay at the scene and fulfill their duties after an accident. After an accident, a driver must:

  • Stop their vehicle
  • Present their driver’s license, vehicle registration, and address to others involved
  • Arrange for medical care for anyone hurt

Leaving the scene before these tasks are complete is a hit and run, is against the law, and can result in harm to victims.

Hit-and-Run Accident Statistics: Hit-and-Runs on the Rise in the U.S.

AAA reports that hit and runs are on the rise. According to AAA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

  • 25% of pedestrians struck and killed in traffic crashes are victims of hit and run drivers.
  • A hit and run happens in the United States approximately every 43 seconds.
  • Thousands of fatalities happen every year because of hit-and-run accidents.
  • Since 2009, hit-and-run deaths have increased by 7.2% on average each year.
  • Alabama ranks mid-pack for the number of hit and run fatalities per 100K residents.

A hit and run can cause physical harm and can even be fatal. With prompt medical attention, victims may have been saved and injuries reduced. In addition to liability for causing the accident, the offender may be liable for additional harm and suffering caused by fleeing the scene of the accident. As hit-and-run accident lawyers, we work to hold offenders accountable by providing skilled legal representation to our clients.

Hit-and-Run Laws in Alabama

AL Code §§ 32-10-1 through 32-10-5 are the Alabama hit and run laws.

  • § 32-10-1 – The driver of a vehicle in an accident resulting in injury, death, or property damage must stop at the scene.
  • § 32-10-2 – Drivers required to stop must provide their name, address, vehicle registration, and driver’s license. Anyone struck, driving, or occupying a motor vehicle involved has a right to this information. The driver must render aid to anyone injured, including arrangements for transportation to medical care.
  • § 32-10-3 – A driver striking an unattended vehicle must stop. They must locate and notify the owner or leave information in a conspicuous place.
  • § 32-10-4 – A driver striking things on or adjacent to the road (signs, other property) must take reasonable steps to notify the owner. They must provide their name, address, vehicle registration, and driver’s license. They must make an accident report as required by § 32-10-5.
  • § 32-10-5 – Reporting the accident to the police by the quickest means is required if the accident results in injury or death of any person.

What is the criminal penalty for hit and run in Alabama?

If a hit and run results in property damage, it is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a $6,000 fine. If the accident results in injury or death, it is a Class C felony, punishable by one to 10 years in jail and a fine of up to $15,000.

Hit and run is not just criminal – it is a civil offense, too.

Many hit-and-run victims assume that it’s up to the police to investigate and file charges.

In a criminal case, if the defendant is convicted or pleads guilty, there might be limited restitution ordered for financial losses only. Insurance policies do not apply in such orders. Because of this, criminal charges are insufficient for the victim to be fairly compensated for the harm that has occurred.

Hit and run is also a civil offense. The victim can also bring their legal claim in civil court.

There are many reasons to bring a civil claim, including:

  • You control the litigation. You file the case and make decisions that benefit you.
  • The purpose of the case is your compensation.
  • A reduced burden of proof may make your case successful, even if the criminal case results in dismissal or not guilty.
  • Sources of compensation may include insurance policies.
  • You can have the attorney of your choice represent you.

In a civil case, you’re in control of your claim. A Montgomery hit-and-run accident lawyer of your choice can represent you. We discuss the importance of a civil case and how we help victims truly get justice.

How Our Attorneys Handle Hit-and-Run Accident Claims

Even though hit and runs are common, many offenders are caught. We can build on the police investigation to look for the offender and follow leads, handling the needed tasks while you focus on your recovery. We can pursue compensation against the offender, looking for insurance policies that may pay compensation as well as personal liability.

You may be able to recover a financial award even if the driver is never found. Our team can explore this possibility, looking at your uninsured/underinsured policy and MedPay coverage, and help you understand your options.

Hurt in a Hit and Run?

Don’t wait to contact us. Time is especially important for hit-and-run victims. We can begin working on your case immediately.

Experienced Legal Representation for Hit and Run

Trusted legal help when you’re hurting.

That’s what you can expect when you choose the Hunter & Everage team. With more than 35 years of combined experience, we’re prepared to handle the most complex cases. We are proud to represent the Montgomery, AL, community.

The insurance companies make their money by minimizing payments – and that’s not okay. We provide the advocacy and counsel that truly gets results.

Call Our Hit-and-Run Accident Attorneys in Montgomery, AL, Today

If you have been hurt, call our Montgomery hit-and-run accident lawyers. Reach out at 704-377-9157 or send us a message. Get legal help now.

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