Montgomery Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

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Do you need fair compensation for life-changing injuries? A Montgomery catastrophic injury lawyer from Hunter & Everage can help you if you have a severe injury. Call 704-377-9157 or message us now.

Montgomery Catastrophic Injury Attorney

An injury attorney is a licensed professional who represents you in a claim for financial compensation. With Hunter & Everage as your Montgomery catastrophic injury attorney, we do so much more, taking care of everything needed for your case and working to maximize your compensation.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is life-changing. Because of the nature of the injury, it has a long-lasting impact on the person’s life. Injury may be permanent, affecting one or more bodily functions or systems.

Types of Cases We Handle

Catastrophic injuries take many forms:

Spinal cord injury, paralysis

Damage to the spinal cord or spinal column may result from blunt trauma and may cause paralysis, limit mobility, and impair nerve function. Treatments, therapies, and assistive devices may help.

Traumatic brain injury

Disruption of brain activity may impair function, impacting mood, emotional regulation, and sensory processing. Determining the full extent of the injury is critical to your legal claim.


Accidental injury may result in severing of a limb or the need for an amputation. Loss of a limb may impair walking and daily tasks and may make it difficult or impossible to continue to work.

Organ damage

Internal organ damage can be life-threatening. Significant medical intervention may be required.

Mobility issues

An injury may be serious because it impairs the mobility of the victim. When an injury prevents or restricts walking, climbing stairs, grasping objects, driving, or other routine tasks, the harm may be considered catastrophic.


Disfigurement is a significant change in appearance. It may be facial features or stature.

Severe burns

Severe burns can cause complications, such as risk of infection, pain, muscle wasting, sleep disturbances, and hypothermia.

Loss of eyesight, hearing, other senses

Optic neuropathy can result in vision loss or impairment, limiting a person’s ability to enjoy activities.


The disease itself can cause a catastrophic injury. If you suffer from a disease because of toxic exposure, it can have a life-changing impact.

Whatever your situation, we are dedicated to pursuing justice. Call 704-377-9157 or message us online to talk about your case.

Why is a catastrophic injury different from personal injury compensation?

A catastrophic injury needs special attention when it comes to personal injury compensation, and the amount claimed is often significant. The injured person needs to receive the compensation they deserve since these funds can help meet expenses and arrange for medical and personal care in the years to come.

Getting fair compensation takes detailed dedication. Our lawyers:

  • Calculate the appropriate monetary payment
  • Prove your right to compensation
  • Respond to defenses raised
  • Seek future damages

When injuries are serious, the defense and their insurance company may try particularly hard to fight the case, as the insurance companies profit when they don’t pay. Count on us to take care of the details and aggressively represent your interests.

Common Causes of Catastrophic Injury

  • Car accidents
  • Truck and industrial equipment accidents
  • Motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents
  • Amusement park, sport, and recreation incidents
  • Boating and aviation crashes
  • Collapsing structures, items falling from above
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Electrical hazards, fire
  • Toxic exposure
  • Animal attacks, dog bites
  • Defective and malfunctioning products
  • Dangerous property conditions
  • Assault and battery, intentional harm

A catastrophic injury can happen in a matter of seconds, changing a person’s life and an entire family forever. As your Montgomery, AL, serious injury lawyers, we’ll thoroughly investigate and build the case.

Compensation for Your Catastrophic Injury

You only have one chance to bring your claim for catastrophic injury. The claim must include your future damages as well as pain and suffering. When you have life-changing injuries, these losses can be difficult to determine—but they are important.

When Hunter & Everage represents you, we thoroughly address future damages, pain and suffering, and everything else needed to make sure that your claim is complete.

Serious Injury Attorney

When you’re hurt, and it’s legally someone else’s fault, you may be left wondering what to do next. Sometimes, injuries are catastrophic—you may never heal or your recovery may be measured in years.

When injuries are serious, you need the right legal representation. Our Montgomery catastrophic injury lawyers are committed to providing you with representation that is:


With more than 35 years of combined experience, we are skilled advocates for our clients. We understand the case procedures, prepare your legal documents, and take the steps to progress your case.


Getting positive results for a catastrophic injury claim means thorough, detailed work. We take charge of your situation so that you can focus on your recovery and move on with your life. Expect us to work with determination on all aspects of your case.


Your legal issues require a unique legal strategy. We create a personalized plan to make sure you receive the custom representation that gets results.

Hospital, Home, and Nursing Home Visits

Meeting our clients’ needs begins from our very first meeting. If you are recovering at home, in the hospital, or a long-term care facility, we can meet you there. We offer virtual consultations and remote client meetings. As Montgomery catastrophic injury lawyers, we meet your needs as we represent your interests.

Catastrophic Injury Law in Montgomery, AL

Alabama law protects the rights of injury victims. That means you have the right to claim the compensation you deserve based on your damages. There is no limit—compensation is based on your losses. Even when injuries are particularly severe, Alabama does not cap economic or non-economic damages for personal injury. There may be limits to punitive damages, and our lawyers can explain if this may apply to your case.

You must prove your right to compensation, meaning you must prove the following:

  • The duty of the other party to act with reasonable care
  • Breach of duty, based on reasonable person standards
  • How the other person’s actions or failure to act causes your injuries
  • Damages and the right amount of compensation

As the victim, you must prove each aspect of your case, building evidence, including witness testimony, medical records, laws, and regulations that may apply; business records; and other information that may be critical. As your lawyers, we prepare this evidence and present your case.

How Our Montgomery Catastrophic Injury Lawyers Can Help

At Hunter & Everage, we represent victims and their families. We advocate for our clients in claims for monetary payments because of injuries, damages, and suffering. We take on the defendants, insurance companies, and their teams of lawyers.

We investigate, pursue your interests, and provide legal counsel, learning your story so that we can personalize our representation to your case. Throughout our representation, we answer your questions and explain what to expect at each step.

We are a black-owned business, and we are proud to help the injured and hurting in the Montgomery area.

Contact Hunter & Everage for a Free Consultation

Have you suffered a catastrophic injury? Contact Hunter & Everage for a free consultation. We are currently accepting new cases. Learn more and get legal representation as early as today. Call 704-377-9157 or message us now.

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Trusted Legal Help For When You’re Hurting

Below is what we have successfully recovered on behalf of our past clients. Results are specific to facts and legal circumstances of each case. Past client results are not indicative of future client results.
Our attorneys have more than 35 years of combined experience in personal injury, social security disability and workers’ compensation law.


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